Ghanaian music sensation G1 Boss EXBit, renowned for his exceptional talent as a singer, songwriter, and performer, has once again captivated his audience with...
Wendy Shay, a highly gifted Ghanaian afro-pop and afrobeat singer-songwriter, returns to the music world with a brand new gripping song titled “Who Cares?.”
Yehowa by Kofi Sarpong Ft Diana Hamilton
Ghanaian award winning gospel musician, Kofi Sarpong teams up with Diana Hamilton on this brand new massive song...
Kilos Milos by Black Sherif
Award-winning Ghanaian trapper, Black Sherif is back again with another possible smash hit single titled “Kilos Milos” a free mp3...
Most-Talented Ghanaian music maker, Wofa Asamoah, unleashes this dazzling record called "Si Abotr3", Wofa Asamoah gave a top-notch rendition, to this record, which will...
Ghanaian highlife musician, Wofa Asamoah dedicates this lovely record titled “Maame Breye” to his Mom and every Mother out there. This new single “Maame...